Omolo cautions youth against alcohol, sexual abuse

Posted on Dec 29, 2023
By Admin

By Emmanuel Okol


LCV Katakwi district Hon Geoffrey Omolo has cautioned the youth against sexual abuse, drugs, and alcoholism among other societal deviations in the country.


The chairman, who was speaking during the thank-giving ceremony for the commissioned Lay readers at Abela Church of Uganda on 23-12-2023, Omolo warned them against engaging in illegal acts.


“You should be role models to others. If I get any of you engaging in any kind of criminal acts, I will punish you more than other people, because you know a bit of the law. If you behave yourself, you will enjoy this world the way you want it. Those who behave recklessly will always have a price to pay,” he added.


Omolo noted that drug abuse renders youth unproductive and disables them from contributing to the development of the country.


Omolo said disciplined youth live longer than criminals. He called on the youth to join the Police, Prisons, and the Army to serve their country.


“We want to see another Omolo, LCV from you. But this can only be achieved when you live responsible lives,” he said.


He however asked the parents to be careful during this festive season with income and he asked them to invest in the education of their children.


Rev. Vicky Ecipu of St Paul church of Uganda Katakwi in her preaching thanked the commissioned Lay readers but asked them to take the mantle of being good shepherded.


Meanwhile, Dr Simon Omeke Ichumar, District Health Officer Katakwi district, over 20% of the patients at the country’s main psychiatric health centre, are drug users.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), at least 15.3 million persons have drug use disorders across the world. The organization further reveals that the harmful use of alcohol results in 3.3 million deaths each year.


It further estimates that in 2008, 155 to 250 million people, or 3.5% to 5.7% of the world's population aged 15-64, used other drugs, such as cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, opioids, and non-prescribed psychoactive prescription medication.



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